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The 66th World Assembly and International OMEP Conference
"Children's Cultural Worlds"

 July 2014, Cork, Ireland

Here you can find some pictures from the conference in the wonderful Irish city of Cork and a photo session from Cork kindergartens.


You can find the links the video of our report "Mobile games: do they really shape new childhood?", ESD posters, and abstracts from the Cork Congress.

The beautiful city of Cork

The beautiful city of Cork

The site of the congress, USS College

The Neo-Gothic hall for the Assembly

The Neo-Gothic hall for the Assembly

The Assembly

The Assembly

Presentation about the conception of sustainable development

Presenting the program "Our Home Is Nature"

Discussion about ESD project

Discussion about ESD project

Our Korean collegues at the ESD section

Photos from Cork kindergartens that we've made with the help from our Irish colleagues

OMEP Europe Conference

September, 2015, Moscow, Russia

The European OMEP conference “Current trends in the development of Early Childhood Education and Care in the world” took place in Moscow in early autumn.


The guests from 17 countries discussed the following topics:

  • What will happen to pre-school education in the future;

  • How pre-school education will be developed modern conditions;

  • How to reach the highest quality level, and many other things.


During their stay in Moscow the guests visited city kindergartens. We thank the kindergarten staff for being generous and willing to share their experience. Here you can see the pictures from the visit and from kindergartens. 



Participants of the Conference vizit Moscow kondergarten

September, 2015

Katarina Koledova and her colleagues from Slovakia visit Moscow as part of the project "What is Europe?"

July 2015

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