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Here you can find pictures and information about many places and people around the world that we've visited and worked with since 2008: international conferences, meetings, workshops, etc.

Another thing that may also interest you are galleries of kindergartens in different countries that we've made during our visits (China, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Ukraine, France, Croatia, Poland, Israel, and others).

3rd Pan European Days of Environmental Education toward Sustainability
October, 2015, Barcelona

The focal point of the Conference was presenting the Manifest for efficient education for the Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD). The participants noted that official statements should be supplemented by practical actions. One of the actual steps forward was creation of network for ESD, which the ESD Center "Nature and Us" also joined. Presentation of professor Ryzhova "ESD in Early Childhood" was met with interest.

The conference venue

The conference venue

A masterpiece of Catalan modernism, the Hospital of St.Paul

Plenary session

Plenary session

View of Barcelona

View of Barcelona

Natalya and Igor Ryzhov

Natalya and Igor Ryzhov

The conference venue

The conference venue

Hospital of St.Paul is the UNESCO World Heritage Site

Working in sections

Working in sections

Astounding interiors of the venue

Astounding interiors of the venue

Interactive workshops

Interactive workshops

Alex Ryzhov

Alex Ryzhov

Our handouts

Our handouts

For the first time we presented our website.

Report on ESD

Report on ESD

Natalia Ryzhova made her report on the results of international projects on ESD and presented the Center "Nature and Us"

Working out a network for ESD

Working out a network for ESD

Symbol of the workshop

Symbol of the workshop

Democracy as basic policy

Democracy as basic policy

Evaluating quality criteria in ESD

Evaluating quality criteria in ESD

One of the major problems discussed at the conference were quality criteria for ESD

Discussion goes on outside

Discussion goes on outside

Making the network come true

Making the network come true

A visit to Ecolle Maternelle (kindergarten and primary school) in Paris, France

March 2013

Thanks to the hospitality of our French OMEP colleagues we had a wonderful opportunity to visit ecole maternelle in Paris. Below you can see the pictures from the visit.

Warm welcome from French colleagues

Warm welcome from French colleagues

kindergarten building

kindergarten building

kindergarten courtyard

kindergarten courtyard

Headmaster is the best guide

Headmaster is the best guide

The headmaster showed us around the kindergarten, it was really informative.

the canteen

the canteen

the kindergarten is proud of its canteen that serves all the children.

the kindergarten hall

the kindergarten hall

It is spacious and well-lit.

part of a class room

part of a class room

Learning to write

Learning to write

French kids start learning letters at early age, using creative methods.

More about the UNESCO Project

More about the UNESCO Project

Natalia tells about the results of the UNESCO Project "Nature and US", dedicated to the Decade of ESD.

Focusing on art

Focusing on art

The kindergarten places an emphasis on various kinds of fine and applied arts.

At the entrance

At the entrance

exchanging opinions

exchanging opinions

We shared our experience with the school headmaster and friends from OMEP France

More letters

More letters

There are many fun ways of learning to write

Letters can be found in a face

Letters can be found in a face

Visiting classes

Visiting classes

We compared our curricula and found many similarities.

Meetings of participants of the Comenius project "What is Europe?"

Bergen, Norway

July 2013, May 2014

Participants of the Comenius project "What is Europe?" held several meetings in the town of Bergen in Norway to exchange experience and summarize the results. Natalia was the local coordinator of the project. Thanks to Norwegian colleagues we had a warm welcome, went to see the Independence Day celebration together with Norwegian children, and saw outdoor kindergartens in action.

Between the mountains and the sea

Between the mountains and the sea

Bergen is one most fascinating towns in Norway

The rhododenrdon, symbol of Bergen

The rhododenrdon, symbol of Bergen

Bergen is nicknamed "the rhododendron town"

Project participants outdoors

Project participants outdoors

People from different European countries learned about nature and history of the place

Town with a history

Town with a history

Bergen old town is UNESCO heritage

Walking through Bergen history

Walking through Bergen history

The participants of the project enjoyed learning about old Norway

the living tradition

the living tradition

The 2014 meeting took place on the Norwegian Independence Day

Kids with teachers in the rain

Kids with teachers in the rain

Most kindergartens in Bergen are outdoors kindergartens. Children go out in any weather

the KIDSA kindergarten

the KIDSA kindergarten

KIDSA is the outdoor kindergarten that actively engages in the project "What is Europe?"

On the kindergarten territory

On the kindergarten territory

Children can experiment with water thanks to this curious device

Stand about Slovakia

Stand about Slovakia

Children and adults from KIDSA created a special information stand dedicated to each country of the project

Making a traditional Russian doll

Making a traditional Russian doll

Nika Ryzhova demonstrates how to make a woolen thread doll

Participants together

Participants together

At this meeting there were participants from Slovakia, Poland, Russia, Norway

Discussing the project

Discussing the project

At every meeting we summed up the results and discussed its future

The 65th OMEP World Conference in Shanghai

June-July 2013

Some pictures from the Shanghai Congress: the striking scale and contrasts of the China's largest city, the warm welcome and fruitful work at the Assembly and conference.

Below you can see pictures from Shanghai kindergartens, thanks to the heads of preschool institutions.

The conference site

The conference site

China's largest city

China's largest city

Chinese scale of the conference

Chinese scale of the conference

Chinese kids sing a song in English

Chinese kids sing a song in English

The European session

The European session

The ESD 3 Session

The ESD 3 Session

The poster session

The poster session

Meetings at the conference

Meetings at the conference

Shanghai spends a lot of energy

Shanghai spends a lot of energy

Photos from Shanghai kindergartens

The UNESCO First World Conference On Early Childhood Care and Education
"Building the Wealth of Nations"

Moscow, 27-29.2010

Heads and Deputy Heads of State, Ministers of Education, scientists and NGOs from around the world met in Moscow to find ways to expand access to Early Childhood Care and Education. The Conference adopted the Moscow Framework of Action. Natalia and Igor Ryzhov presented their ideas about the role of educational journals as drivers for development in this area.

The venue of the conference

The venue of the conference

The Moscow World Trade Center

Plenary session

Plenary session

Delegates from all over the world

Delegates from all over the world

Dialogue across continents

Dialogue across continents

Natalia Ryzhova's report

Natalia Ryzhova's report

Natalia discussed the impact of educational journals on ECCE development and teacher training.

Discussing opportunities

Discussing opportunities

We discussed possible cooperation with our French colleagues in the field of ESD.

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony

Children showing their abilities

International exhibition

International exhibition

The exhibition featured innovative educational technologies for ESD

Igor presents educational journals

Igor presents educational journals

OMEP meeting

OMEP meeting

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony

The conference ended with an impressive concert performed by children



Visit to the Israeli educational institutions,

including establishments for kids with special needs

Tel Aviv, 2009

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