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Here you may watch two kinds of videos: short presentations about some kindergarten ESD projects and samples of professional films for educators.

What is education for sustainable development?

Dr.Natalya Ryzhova makes a brief introduction into education for sustainable development

from environmental angle

With English overvoice

video esd

A short video for our educational film

"Natural-born researchers":

  • how to support children's natural drive for research,

  • how to set up a lab in a kindergarten or at home,

  • how to re-use waste as lab equipment,

  • how kids can conduct experiments with stones, water, ice and other natural materials.

The main idea of the film is that the whole world is one large laboratory for children, and we, grownups, should remember that.

Full-length 45 minutes film will be available soon.                                      English overvoice


A short video for our educational film

"Time to collect garbage":

  • How much garbage does your kindergarten throw away?

  • Where does it come from?

  • How can we reduce its amount?

  • How can packaging materials be re-used?

You'll find lots of ideas for re-using waste materials: from decorations and fashion-shows to organizing one's own orchestra!


Full-length 40 minutes film will be available soon.                     English overvoice and subtitles

Slideshow "The first Experiments in kindergarten"


The experiments are carried out in the Moscow kindergarten #2333, following the instructions in the book "Laboratory in kindergarten".


The full kit of teaching resources "Natural born researchers", including professionally produced films "Natural-born researchers", "The Amazing Experiments", "The experiment as a show", the book "Laboratory in kindergarten" will be available soon.


Learning about world cultures


This short film made by kindergarten shows how to help kindergarten children learn about traditions of other nations: songs, dances, food and games.

Another, full-length, professional film "Across cultures and continents: Nature and Culture" will be available soon.




"In contact with nature"


An example of how we can create learning environment for children to stay in contact with nature.

Films and slide-shows made by kindergartens

"Journey of the Magic Droplet


A film made by children as part of ESD Project about water cycle in nature.


From the life of a kindergarten


that took part in the ESD OMEP Project and in the project "What Is Europe?"

The video shows creative learning environment in the kindergarten, as well as different children's activities. The kindergarten uses our program "Nature Is Our Home".


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